Paper Beats Rock, Jute bags from jute bags exporters beats both!
S ince the 17th century, the west has been using jute to make textiles just like people in India and Bangladesh have for centuries before them. Jute thread used by jute bags exporters or wholesale jute bags suppliers are spawned from jute vegetable plant whose fiber is dried in long strips. People living in India and Bangladesh named this thread " golden fiber" since it gives economic independence to the persons living in rural areas. When used in the production of grocery bags by wholesale jute bags suppliers or jute bags exporters alternatively to paper bags, jute is both the more green choice and the less expensive long-term. Here are some points of comparison to ponder: Sustainability Jute can be produced all year round and is harvested every six months. To make the same quantity of wood fiber can take decades and needs much greater tracts of land to cultivate. Jute fibers are stronger and more flexible than paper produced from wood pulp and can endure pro...